Tweedy Stephen Fry is an English national treature and something of a Renaissance man. On top of his work in comedy, he's a playwright, author, voice actor, documentarian and quizmaster! Being gay and bipolar himself, he's done lots of work raising awareness for gay rights and mental health. The man is accomplished, is my point-- Whether you realize or not, he's probably touched a piece of media significant to your life.
He's not without his issues, but I've grown a deep appreciation for Stephen Fry! His love of literature, culture, knowledge, and the English language is infectuous!
Fry has a great onscreen presence. It's no argument that between the two he's a lesser actor, but I always delight in the attention his performance demands. He's easily typecast as the anal, posh, and pompous (kings, generals, pr agents...etc), but he knocks it out of the park as Jeeves, too! Fry's acting work isn't worth any thinkpieces, but he's always fun.
I hope it's not obvious, but Fry is my favorite! He, along with my friend Lucas, has inspired me to get more into reading, writing, and learning. :-)
I also think he's pretty cute.

The narrator of Little Big Planet
The narrator of Poccoyo
Oscar Wilde in Wilde
The Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland (2010)
The Narrator in Dancing with the Birds
The Harry Potter audiobooks (FOR SHAME!)